Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed



Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 3 | Image-Bearers

    13/05/2024 Duração: 28min

    In the third episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff discusses spiritual growth from a Christian perspective. He emphasizes that spiritual growth is more about internal transformation than external conformity. Duane also discusses the importance of believers being image-bearers of Christ and explores the concepts of predestination and God's will in Christians' lives.Christians often have questions about God's will for their lives, such as career choices or personal decisions. While these decisions are essential, they are secondary compared to God's primary will, which is for believers to be transformed into the image of Christ. This transformation involves how believers reflect Christ's image in every aspect of their lives.The concept of predestination is often misunderstood. Predestination in the biblical context refers not to a predetermined fate of salvation or condemnation but to God's plan for believers to conform to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This idea is foundational to understa

  • Children in the Hands of Warriors | Part 1

    12/05/2024 Duração: 45min

    This message speaks to the importance of raising children according to biblical principles and the challenges parents face in a culture that is increasingly hostile towards Biblical values. Children are a gift from God, and the Bible compares them to arrows in the hands of a warrior (Psalm 127:3-5), suggesting that parents are warriors engaged in a spiritual battle for their children. This message outlines three stages of parenting: the training stage (0-10 years), the teaching stage (10-20 years), and the transition stage (20+ years), and how parents are meant to relate to their children during each of these phases of life. Using the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son from Luke 15, Duane encourages parents to remain steadfast in their faith and values, even when their children go astray. The father in the parable of the prodigal son stayed true to his principles while waiting for his son to "come to his senses" (Luke 15:17). Some of our children may rebel against their upbringing

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 2 | Fivefold

    10/05/2024 Duração: 28min

    In the second episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity in a believer's life and how every Christian needs to transition from spiritual infancy to maturity, as it is God's will. This transition is a growth process that involves a deeper understanding and application of God's Word, aiming to mold believers into true image-bearers of Christ.When believers enter the kingdom of God, they are spiritually reborn, possessing a fully mature, righteous, and holy spirit due to the sanctifying work of Christ. However, new believers often lack knowledge and practical application of the Bible, similar to newborn babies who are entirely dependent on milk for nourishment.To address this gap, Duane discusses the necessity for believers to be nurtured with the "milk" of basic biblical teachings before they can handle the "meat" of more profound doctrines. This spiritual nourishment is crucial for their growth, enabling them to gradually develop the capacity to apply God's W

  • Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 1 | Immature

    09/05/2024 Duração: 28min

    In this episode, Duane discusses spiritual growth, emphasizing the journey from immaturity to maturity in the Christian faith. He explains that this growth is about increasing knowledge, deepening character, and becoming more like Christ. This process involves moving from spiritual immaturity, where believers may be easily swayed by incorrect teachings or worldly influences, to a mature understanding and application of biblical truths.Spiritual immaturity is like being a child in faith. Like young children, new believers need simple, foundational teachings, which he compares to milk. These basics are essential for starting their spiritual journey. However, staying in this stage too long can lead to a lack of depth and susceptibility to being misled. As in the physical world, where children grow and develop, spiritual growth requires moving beyond the basics to tackle more complex and substantial "food," Duane calls meat.Transitioning to spiritual maturity involves embracing and applying deeper biblical teachi

  • Spirit vs. Flesh

    21/04/2024 Duração: 59min

    Duane Sheriff teaches a powerful sermon about the difference between our spirit and flesh as believers in Christ. It's essential to understand that while our flesh is still weak and incapable, Christ Himself lives in our spirit through the Holy Spirit."Christ is in my spirit. And while I have a spirit united to Christ, I have this soul, mind, will, and emotions, but I live in this body." Because of this reality, we should not be condemned or confused by the weakness we experience in our flesh. Instead, we must learn to depend on Christ's power in our spirit. Duane outlined four fundamental truths we need to understand about our flesh:1. Without God, we can accomplish nothing of eternal value. "Without Him, I can do nothing" (John 15:5). "But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). 2. Without God, we have nothing good in ourselves to boast about. "Without Him, I have nothing...Everything I have is by the grace of God." We should never be arrogant because our gifts and abiliti

  • The Power of Truth

    07/04/2024 Duração: 58min

    God desires to revive the hearts of believers with the Truth, and we should eagerly seek after and be passionate for the Truth. Duane uses the example of Pilate, who stood before the embodiment of Truth itself but chose to reject and condemn Truth due to external pressures and personal denial. The story of Pilate is a reflection of society's struggle with Truth, where we confront it every day but often choose to deny, reject, or even condemn it for various reasons, such as seeking comfort, conforming to societal norms, or due to ignorance. This impactful teaching highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing the Truth, especially in the face of opposition, to break free from the chains of lies and experience genuine freedom.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 15 | Eternal Life

    01/04/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff emphasizes that eternal life is not just about existing forever but about having an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ guided by the Holy Spirit. This relationship with God goes beyond just existing in eternity and instead embodies a deep connection and union with God. At the heart of eternal life is a relationship steeped in love, nurtured through learning of Him. 

  • The Cross

    31/03/2024 Duração: 51min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of Jesus as the Passover Lamb. Jesus's sacrifice on the cross fulfills the prophecy of the Passover Lamb in the Old Testament. The lamb's blood was used to symbolize salvation and protection for the Israelites in Egypt. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus fulfills this prophecy by providing salvation and forgiveness of sins to anyone who believes. This momentous event in history serves as the foundation for personal faith and spiritual growth, bridging the gap between humans and God.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 14 | Spiritual Habits

    29/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the transformative power of grace and emphasizes the significance of developing spiritual habits that will lead to victory and peace. True humility involves denying oneself, prioritizing others, aligning with God's will, and cultivating a deep and more intimate relationship with Jesus, transforming knowledge of God into a direct experiential understanding that fosters spiritual growth, peace, and a more grace-filled life.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 13 | Meek

    28/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of meekness and humility in our lives. Meekness is not a passive trait but a powerful quality that attracts grace and transforms lives. Being meek or humble can foster a deep connection with God and help us face life's challenges with peace and resilience. Jesus invites us to learn from His meek and humble heart, presenting it as a key to finding rest for our souls. If we embrace humility, it has the power to transform our relationship with God, which is marked by peace, submission, and spiritual growth.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 12 | Jealous

    27/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the significance of drawing near to God, submitting to His will, and acknowledging the depth of His jealous love. God desires an intimate relationship. His divine jealousy is not rooted in insecurity or possessiveness but in a profound love and longing for undivided devotion. God's holy jealousy starkly contrasts human envy, highlighting the pure, passionate commitment God yearns for from us. We must recognize and cherish God's unique love for each of us and strive for a deeper, more faithful engagement with Him, free from the distractions and allegiances that often entangle our hearts and minds.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 11 | Humility

    26/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of humility as a crucial aspect of fully experiencing God's grace. Jesus invites us to learn from Him and to seek an intimate knowledge of God, which goes beyond mere knowledge about Him. Humility is a defining attribute of God's character, contrasting with humanity's prideful nature and false gods. God is approachable, humble, and involved in our lives, challenging us to cultivate a deep, personal relationship. Understanding and practicing humility is the cornerstone for living a life of grace, leading to peace, rest, and freedom.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 10 | Yoke of Grace

    25/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the difference between the yoke of grace and the yoke of the law. The yoke of Jesus is not a burden but a source of rest and freedom, which starkly contrasts the yoke of the law described as bondage. There is transformative power in coming to Jesus, taking His yoke upon ourselves, and learning from Him. True rest for our souls is found in a relationship with Christ, not in adherence to the law or religious practices. When we understand this concept, we can live a life of grace, free from guilt, condemnation, and the relentless pursuit of self-righteousness.

  • God's Kind of Love | Part 6

    24/03/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    Duane Sheriff teaches about the depth of God's love. God's love is not just about acceptance but also involves correction and protection. It manifests through both tenderness and righteous anger. God's love is all-encompassing, forgiving our past, present, and future sins and saving us from the wrath to come. This journey from judgment to grace highlights God's profound love for us.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 9 | Purpose of the Law

    22/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches that God gave us the law out of love. The law reveals our sins so that we may be saved. It acts as a mirror, showing our need for salvation and leading us towards faith in Christ. By highlighting our inability to attain righteousness on our own, the law emphasizes the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the law on our behalf. This revelation of sin through the law is a necessary step towards embracing God's grace, ultimately leading us to a life of freedom and grace.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 8 | Law

    21/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff explains the purpose of the law given to humanity. It reflects our inability to achieve righteousness through our own efforts, emphasizing our need for grace and redemption. The law reveals our spiritual condition, but grace provides the cure. Through grace, we receive the power to live a life that pleases God, not by our own strength but by the righteousness imparted to us through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 7 | Grace or Law

    20/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches how grace has the power to break the power of sin. When we understand and embrace the concept of grace, it liberates us from the tyranny of sin. Grace frees us from the burdens and obligations of living under the law. Christianity is a relationship rooted in grace rather than legalism. This illustrates the contrast between living under the heavy yoke of the law and experiencing the light, restful yoke of grace, which enables believers to live in freedom and joy.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 6 | Freedom

    19/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of freedom from the law through grace. He emphasizes how grace liberates us from the constraints and demands of legalism, offering a life characterized by peace and rest. By focusing on Jesus' teachings and the grace offered through His sacrifice, we transition from living under the law to living in the freedom of grace. By embracing the restorative power of grace, we live freely and fully in the light of Christ's love.

  • Rhythms of Grace | Episode 5 | Come To Jesus

    18/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Duane Sheriff teaches about the transformative power of coming to Jesus amidst life's burdens. Through God's grace, we can be freed from fear, worry, and the overwhelming pressures of life. One of the three principles of Rhythms of Grace is "Come to Me," which offers rest and liberation. By aligning ourselves with Jesus, we can navigate the complexities of life with peace and resilience, embracing a journey toward spiritual growth and freedom.

  • God's Kind of Love | Part 5

    17/03/2024 Duração: 53min

    Duane Sheriff teaches how God's correction and chastening differ from human punishment. He explains that every act of divine correction is rooted in God's desire for our ultimate good, aiming to foster spiritual maturity, holiness, and a deeper relationship with Him. This perspective encourages a receptive attitude towards God's loving discipline, recognizing it as a vital component of our spiritual journey.

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